Executive Function skills are things like organization, planning, getting things done, prioritizing, time management, etc.

Introduction to Executive Functions is a tele-seminar that covers what different experts say executive functions are and why they are important to people with ADHD who tend to have weak executive functions.

If your brain was an organization, think of the Executive Functions as representing the “secretary” or “assistant” to the “CEO’s of the organization.” The CEO represents the intellect. Wouldn’t you like to figure out how to best manage that secretary or assistant?

The hour long tele-seminar with materials is offered two times:
Thursday, February 28th at 8pm EST
Sunday, March 3rd at 4pm EST

The $20 seminars will be of limited enrollment so that there is an opportunity to answer questions that arise.

To register for the tele-seminar, email awurf@verizon.net or call Abigail at 202-244-2234 between 10am to 8pm EST.

Payment can be made by credit card over the phone or check by mail to 4201 Cathedral Avenue NW 801E, Washington DC 20016. Make checks out to Abigail Wurf Coaching, LLC. Designate if you are signing up for Thursday or Sunday. Include your email and phone number.

This is a great introduction to the upcoming tele-seminars and webinars that will be presented on a once a month basis. Upcoming seminars include Organization of Material Things, Time Management and Prioritization.

For questions, please contact me.