People affected by ADHD tend to struggle with procrastination. Usually we avoid what we are supposed to be doing by doing something else instead that is either not as urgent or important.  We can become very productive doing other than what we are supposed to be doing or what is the priority. Often what we are avoiding is a task we might not like to do or are unsure how to do. Instead of getting help we avoid by getting caught up in something that is not the priority.

For many of my clients, the procrastinating involves going down rabbit holes. Maybe looking something up on the internet and then researching the topic for five hours instead of getting our work done. Or going into the kitchen to get something and deciding now is the perfect time to clean the kitchen instead of getting to work on our project.

My best advice is hard but doable. Whatever task you are avoiding do it for fifteen minutes. We can do most anything for fifteen minutes. Set a timer if need be.

You can get a lot done in fifteen minutes. Also, if you really focus for fifteen minutes you may get caught up enough in the task to keep going for a while before needing to take a break. That is great. Once you are no longer able to focus take a break but keep it short so you don’t lose your momentum. Use a timer or alarm for your break and make a commitment to yourself that once the alarm goes off you are back to work. It may be that you can only work in short spurts or may be once you get started you are able to keep going. Regardless, the key is to stay on task and not get caught up doing other things.

Make sure your breaks are not enticing activities that will suck you in. For example, a lot of my clients play digital games. That is great but they make a poor idea for a short break because the games are designed to keep you playing. Use your breaks to refresh yourself not to go down another rabbit hole. For me it is reading. If I am taking a break, I can’t start reading a book because I get caught up in the story and then my break lasts for hours. Keep breaks short and sweet. Then get back to your fifteen minutes of working intervals.