by Abigail Wurf | Mar 13, 2014 | Uncategorized
ADHD and Careers: What Are Your Work Values When looking for a job or more importantly a career, it is important to think about what are your work values. In a book written by Wilma R. Feldman, M.Ed., LPC, called Finding a Career That Works for You: A Step-by-Step...
by Abigail Wurf | Feb 12, 2014 | ADD, ADHD, couples, Marriage, novelty, Relationships, Uncategorized
After the Honeymoon: ADHD and Marriage From Charm Offensive to Distracted Defensive A startling thing happens after getting married to those affected by ADHD. They change. Let’s say it is the man who has the ADHD, which is statistically more likely. He will be Prince...
by Abigail Wurf | Feb 10, 2014 | ADD, ADHD, couples, libido, Marriage, Medications, Relationships, Stimulants, Symptoms, Uncategorized
ADHD Couples: When Your ADHD Partner Refuses Meds Medication can be an important part of a multimodal treatment for ADHD. Medication does not work for all people affected by ADHD but it does work for about 70% – 80% of them. Regardless of how effective...
by Abigail Wurf | Feb 5, 2014 | ADD, ADHD, couples, help, Life, Marriage, Relationships, resolutions, Uncategorized
How to have a conversation that the learning lasts past the actual conversation when one, if not both partners/spouses, are affected by ADHD A great frustration of partners of people affected by ADHD is they experience a good conversation with their partner just to...
by Abigail Wurf | Feb 3, 2014 | Uncategorized
ADHD and relationships is a topic that is not talked about enough in the context of what I call “ADHDland.” I feel I can talk about this because I have been trained specifically to coach ADHD couples and I coach ADHD couples all over the country. Some in...