Is There a Fire in Your Belly?

Some time ago I came back from 2 days in Boston, home for the weekend, then a week in Phoenix that ended with me bringing a cold home that caused me to lose my voice and stay in bed for a week. As I got better and started back to work and I realized how low my energy...

What I Learned from David Bowie

I wrote this the week after I learned David Bowie died and I was shocked at how affected I was by his death. I didn’t realize how much he had influenced my life. Bowie helped the outsiders, the alienated feel recognized, accepted and cool. He also inspired many...

Causing Disruption of Habitual Negative Behaviors

Often I will hear clients say “it is happening all over again, I am doing or not doing what I always do. I’m stuck in this constant loop and I don’t know how to break out of it.”They may be talking about not getting stuff done, procrastinating until the last minute,...

What a Good Coach Does

A good coach helps you realize your vision of success. She holds a safe space for you to talk and discover the “HOW” to achieving your goals and dreams. Whether it is a particular behavior you wish to alter or a path you are trying to succeed at, the coach helps you...