Common Co-Morbidities Associated with ADHD

            Co-morbidities are additional pathologies that may affect those with ADHD. The most common are in order of prevalence: Anxiety Depression Oppositional Disorders Substance Abuse Bipolar Disorder Tics What is important to keep...

Why I am Thankful for My Struggles

I never thought I would say this but I am thankful for my ADHD and for my chronic pain. Weird huh! Well here is the thing, prior to knowing I had ADHD and prior to surgery resulting in chronic pain, I didn’t think much of myself. All the things that come with ADHD...

The Good with the Bad

I wrote this while I was on a plane flying back from a conference in Las Vegas. I hate Las Vegas! As a child I would have to come to Las Vegas for conventions my parents had to attend. I found it very depressing because often the hotels had rooms where people could...