by Abigail Wurf | Feb 27, 2018 | ADD, ADHD
Many people affected by ADHD and/or overwhelm often look to others as to how to do certain things the “right” way. We don’t trust our instincts as to how to do something the “correct” way. The thing is, rarely is there just one “correct” way to do something. There may...
by Abigail Wurf | Feb 20, 2018 | ADD, ADHD
Co-morbidities are additional pathologies that may affect those with ADHD. The most common are in order of prevalence: Anxiety Depression Oppositional Disorders Substance Abuse Bipolar Disorder Tics What is important to keep...
by Abigail Wurf | Feb 13, 2018 | ADD, ADHD
During the holidays many of us see our family and maybe even go back to our old neighborhood and see people we knew growing up. This can be good or bad. Being affected by ADHD often means our growing up years were hard, especially if we did not know at the time that...
by Abigail Wurf | Feb 6, 2018 | ADD, ADHD
I never thought I would say this but I am thankful for my ADHD and for my chronic pain. Weird huh! Well here is the thing, prior to knowing I had ADHD and prior to surgery resulting in chronic pain, I didn’t think much of myself. All the things that come with ADHD...
by Abigail Wurf | Jan 30, 2018 | ADD, ADHD
I wrote this while I was on a plane flying back from a conference in Las Vegas. I hate Las Vegas! As a child I would have to come to Las Vegas for conventions my parents had to attend. I found it very depressing because often the hotels had rooms where people could...