by Abigail Wurf | Oct 28, 2014 | Uncategorized
[youtube id=”s_HXQhEFhuo”]
by Abigail Wurf | Oct 28, 2014 | ADD, ADHD, Blog, Coaching, Uncategorized
I have found that many people with ADHD hold jobs or work in fields they are not passionate about. I think this is a major mistake. It is hard enough for us to complete tasks when we are interested, so putting ourselves in a position of having to get things done when...
by Abigail Wurf | Oct 21, 2014 | ADHD, Planning, Projects, Uncategorized
Space dictates how much stuff you can have. How much you have must be less than what your space can reasonably and comfortably hold. Everything you own must have a home where it lives when you’re not using it, and the more visible its home is, the better....
by Abigail Wurf | Oct 14, 2014 | Uncategorized
As an ADHD coach, I work with many professionals and small business owners who struggle both in their work lives and personal lives. What has become clear to me is many of us affected by ADHD believe deep down in our most private thoughts that we are missing the...
by Abigail Wurf | Oct 7, 2014 | ADHD, ADHD coaching, Blog, Health, Success, Uncategorized
As I write this, I am on a plane that is experiencing terrible turbulence. This is the second plane I have been on today, and the second flight with turbulence. What I don’t like about turbulence is that lightness you feel in your stomach, similar to being on a...