How to Battle Negative Thoughts

As we get closer to each new year or big change in life we tend to start clearing things away to welcome the new. Instead of just clearing objects, I would like to suggest you clear some negativity also. Negativity can be dangerous. When we are thinking, we are...

Is There a Fire in Your Belly?

Some time ago I came back from 2 days in Boston, home for the weekend, then a week in Phoenix that ended with me bringing a cold home that caused me to lose my voice and stay in bed for a week. As I got better and started back to work and I realized how low my energy...

What I Learned from David Bowie

I wrote this the week after I learned David Bowie died and I was shocked at how affected I was by his death. I didn’t realize how much he had influenced my life. Bowie helped the outsiders, the alienated feel recognized, accepted and cool. He also inspired many...

Causing Disruption of Habitual Negative Behaviors

Often I will hear clients say “it is happening all over again, I am doing or not doing what I always do. I’m stuck in this constant loop and I don’t know how to break out of it.”They may be talking about not getting stuff done, procrastinating until the last minute,...

What a Good Coach Does

A good coach helps you realize your vision of success. She holds a safe space for you to talk and discover the “HOW” to achieving your goals and dreams. Whether it is a particular behavior you wish to alter or a path you are trying to succeed at, the coach helps you...