ADHD and Down-Sizing to Move: Part 3

Part 3: Resistance This is the third installment in a series of blogs about my down-sizing and moving. Down-sizing and moving is hard for anyone to do but particularly hard for those of us affected by ADHD. What I am confronting now is my struggle to contact people...

ADHD and Down-Sizing to Move: Part 2

Part 2: I Must Be Ruthless! I need to adopt a new attitude with myself – that of ruthlessness. As I mentioned in my last blog I am in the process of sorting out my stuff and packing it up for the condo I live in to go on the market. It needs to be ready to show. I...

ADHD and Down-Sizing to Move: Part 1

Part 1: A tentative plan to de-clutter my stuff This is the beginning of a multi-part blog that I plan to write over the next few weeks. I was telling my colleague that the condo I live in is going on the market and so I need to clear out my stuff to get it ready for...

You Are Not ADHD

I once had a woman contact me who wrote she was “afflicted” by ADHD. Everyone uses words differently. To me you are “afflicted” by cancer or Ebola and you are “affected” by ADHD. ADHD affects your life. For the most part it gives you a steeper mountain to climb than...

ADHD and Avoiding Too Much Repetition

Being affected by ADHD often means struggling to get things done especially if we perceive the tasks as tedious. Aside from coaching those affected by ADHD I put out a weekly podcast, blog and newsletter. Some aspects of getting them done each week are tedious at...