Beginning a New Year
As the year comes to an end, I am thinking about how I want the next year to be. I used to make hugely complicated plans about the year to come. All the things I was going to change and accomplish only to end up feeling like a failure six months later. Now I do...
Structure and Accountability Are Your Friends
As an ADHD coach I have had some clients observe how they get things done at work but not at home. Especially if they live alone. Accountability and structure are what is missing. At work you are accountable to a supervisor or boss. Don’t do the work, you could get...
7 Tips to Curb Impulse Buying
Times are tough right now for many people financially. People affected by ADHD tend to struggle with money management. Either not tracking their money or impulse buying or both. During the pandemic there was an increase in online shopping. Online shopping can be...
Getting Sleep
One of my clients is trying to overhaul her sleeping habits. She tends to stay up late or all-night reading. I get it. I used to do the same thing. I have had many clients who stay up late fooling around on their phone or tablet. It is addicting. You start reading one...
New Year, New Attitude
Ordinarily I send out a missive on New Year’s Day. In ordinary times. These are not ordinary times. There is the pandemic and a great divide in our nation. On a personal note, I am taking care of a sick relative. Time has both lost meaning and at the same time is full...
ADHD and Procrastination
People affected by ADHD tend to struggle with procrastination. Usually we avoid what we are supposed to be doing by doing something else instead that is either not as urgent or important. We can become very productive doing other than what we are supposed to be...
ADHD and Managing the Holidays
The holiday season is fast approaching and usually I write an essay about managing the holidays. Mainly about how to deal with seeing family and friends without becoming overwhelmed. Many with ADHD struggle with going home for the holidays. Well this year many are not...
ADHD and Maintaining Friendships
Many people affected with ADHD struggle with maintaining friendships. There can many reasons for this. One of the main ones is we forget to stay in touch. Reciprocity is important in relationships. Often, I hear from my clients that they have few friends and are not...
Mess Causes Stress
It is clear that mess causes stress. A lot of mess is simply unmade decisions. Instead of deciding where something should go or what to do with it you just put it in a pile for later to decide. A lot of times the decision you would make in the moment is the same...
ADHD and the Flip Side
As an ADHD coach I hear a lot about people not getting things done. My clients often share with me how they didn’t get anything done from the last time we spoke. When I push them a little on this it turns out they did get some things done just maybe not everything or...
ADHD and Systems
As an ADHD coach I get a lot of calls from people wanting systems to solve their problems. Systems are great. They help us get things done. Until they don’t. Some might say systems don’t work for people affected by ADHD. That is not true. They work differently. They...
Stop Being Late
Many people affected by ADHD struggle with being on time. I used to struggle with this myself. I was late to everything for years. It began to affect my relationships because people couldn’t count on me to be where I said I would be when I said I would be. One day I...