by Abigail Wurf | May 14, 2015 | ADD, ADD coaching, ADHD, ADHD coaching, client, coaching session, hiring a coach, Uncategorized
How to Select an ADHD Coach for ADHD Coaching: Abigail Wurf, M.Ed, PCC Step 1: Search the ADHD coach listings (see previous blog for suggestions) for the right type of coach for you. If you are interested in seeing a coach in person, rather than by phone or Skype,...
by Abigail Wurf | May 11, 2015 | ADD, ADD coaching, ADHD, ADHD coaching, Uncategorized
Hiring an ADHD Coaching: Resources: Abigail Wurf, M.Ed, PCC The last two blogs have been about ADHD coaching. Next I thought it would be helpful to know how to find ADHD coaching. Hiring an ADHD Coach You’re ready for ADHD coaching, but don’t know how or whom to hire?...
by Abigail Wurf | May 4, 2015 | ADD, ADD coaching, ADHD, ADHD coaching, Blog, client, coaching session, Executive Functioning, goals, session, Uncategorized
About ADHD Coaching: Washington DC: Abigail Wurf, M.Ed, PCC Last blog I explained what an ADHD coach can do for you, how coaching is defined and why hire an ADHD coach. In this blog I answer a few more questions regarding ADHD coaching that you might...
by Abigail Wurf | Oct 28, 2014 | ADD, ADHD, Blog, Coaching, Uncategorized
I have found that many people with ADHD hold jobs or work in fields they are not passionate about. I think this is a major mistake. It is hard enough for us to complete tasks when we are interested, so putting ourselves in a position of having to get things done when...
by Abigail Wurf | Feb 12, 2014 | ADD, ADHD, couples, Marriage, novelty, Relationships, Uncategorized
After the Honeymoon: ADHD and Marriage From Charm Offensive to Distracted Defensive A startling thing happens after getting married to those affected by ADHD. They change. Let’s say it is the man who has the ADHD, which is statistically more likely. He will be Prince...
by Abigail Wurf | Feb 10, 2014 | ADD, ADHD, couples, libido, Marriage, Medications, Relationships, Stimulants, Symptoms, Uncategorized
ADHD Couples: When Your ADHD Partner Refuses Meds Medication can be an important part of a multimodal treatment for ADHD. Medication does not work for all people affected by ADHD but it does work for about 70% – 80% of them. Regardless of how effective...