ADHD: Hiring a Professional Organizer

As an ADHD coach I work with many people who struggle with both organizing their stuff and getting rid of their extra stuff. Most people affected by ADHD tend to accumulate too much stuff. I am definitely one of those people. Recently I hired an organizer to help me....

ADHD: Time to Simplify

I was listening to a podcast called ”How I Built This” which interviews entrepreneurs. Guy Raz, the host, was interviewing David Neeleman. I was interested in the interview because David Neeleman is affected by ADHD. He is probably best known for founding Jet Blue....

ADHD and Down-Sizing to Move: Part 4

Part 4: Getting Un-Stuck This is the fourth installment in a series of blogs about my down-sizing and moving. Last time I talked about ADHD and resistance. Sometimes things get beyond resistance and become paralysis. You get stuck. A lot of people talk about ADHD and...

ADHD and Down-Sizing to Move: Part 3

Part 3: Resistance This is the third installment in a series of blogs about my down-sizing and moving. Down-sizing and moving is hard for anyone to do but particularly hard for those of us affected by ADHD. What I am confronting now is my struggle to contact people...

ADHD and Down-Sizing to Move: Part 2

Part 2: I Must Be Ruthless! I need to adopt a new attitude with myself – that of ruthlessness. As I mentioned in my last blog I am in the process of sorting out my stuff and packing it up for the condo I live in to go on the market. It needs to be ready to show. I...

ADHD and Down-Sizing to Move: Part 1

Part 1: A tentative plan to de-clutter my stuff This is the beginning of a multi-part blog that I plan to write over the next few weeks. I was telling my colleague that the condo I live in is going on the market and so I need to clear out my stuff to get it ready for...